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Jan 20, 2013
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made a 5 gallon batch of sp per lon's recipe. gravity was at .997 for over 3 consecutive days so i added campden,sorbate and degassed transfered to carboy and added super kleer. cleared slow about 3 weeks,then racked off lee's and added margarita mix capped with air lock then about 20 minutes i'm getting bubbles in air lock. not much but one every few minutes. could i have introduced oxygen into the wine and it's trying to escape?
take a reading and watch it for a few days. How old was your sorbate? You are probably getting a bubble here and there because you just racked but I would watch it.
It's probably not thru fermenting. Yes take a hydrometer reading and check again after a few days.

Adding sorbate will prevent yeast reproduction but living yeasts will continue to feed on the sugar.
sorbate does not have a date on it. but i bought it the last part of december. thanks for the reply.
hi djrockinsteve, i will take a hydrometer reading this morning and go from there. thanks for the reply.
Bet it is probably degassing after you stirred it up. Take your hydrometer readings and they will tell you what is going on. Arne.