Last evening, 9 June, and this morning, 10 June, I stirred my must and took a look at it.
I think that Arne's prediction about the stressed yeast might be coming true, but I am not sure. Fermentation is beginning a little slowly, compared to what I am used to seeing with beer, but it is definitely going on, and I hope that it is about to hit it's stride. Last evening, there was a bit of a smell I wasn't familiar with, almost but not quite sulfurous. The must seemed fine, however, so I stirred it and put it away.
This morning, it was making a fizzy sound as I stirred it, even though there wasn't much in the way of visual cues except a bit of foam as I stirred. I am hoping that by the time I get home this evening, I'll have a nice cap to stir down.
One thing that might be affecting things is my fermentation temperature. We're looking at about 77 degrees right now, give or take a couple of degrees. To me, that seems a little high, but I am used to beer, so it might be fine. Also, I usually cover the fermenter with a tea towel, but that wasn't an option this time, so I put the lid on with an airlock. By tonight, I should be able to have a tea towel on it, which might help.
So, based on that, would a little yeast nutrient be a good idea, or should I let it ride and see what happens? I think that we're going to be fine in the end, but as always, anything that will better the odds of success would be good.