. I began the Pinot Noir Wine Kit on 1/18. Starting SG was 1.076.
That seems be a low starting SG for a red. That' results in 10.87 ABV to (.996) and that is before any optional back-sweetening.
I recently did a
Mosti Mondiale Pinot Noir full juice pail , starting SG was 1.102.
What brand was the kit, if I may ask?
For a 4 week kit my method is very standard generally speaking
Standard method with no tweaks::
week 1 primary - after 7 days max to carboy
week 2 stabilize after 7 days (14 days from start) (use the kit fining agents usually K & Chitosan)
week 3 (end of week 3) rack and use another fining agent - sparkloid (not in kit)
(So I do a second fining, I swear by sparkloid - works very well)
week 4 end of week 4 filter and bottle
(for kits, usually 7 days or less to .990)
It doesn't have to wait til day 14 to stabilize, depends what it looks like, that's just a max deadline for me.
Even after the second racking there are still lees on the bottom just before filtering but the wine is always clear. and the lees stay there as I siphon off to my filter..
Some people wait months, racking and re-racking till all lees are gone then they don't need to filter after a year or so.
That's not for me.
I make a four week kit in four weeks.
Marked on the calendar. I rarely miss.
I might target it in advance to bottle on my birthday or something like that.
Let it age in the bottle.
Never heard of lees being harmful. ?? They've dropped out, they've done their job.And they will continue to drop out for a long long time, years.
I just don't want to drink them.