I have four Super Tuscan to ferment and plan on using BM4x4 on it.
My first experience using BM4x4 was with RJS Winemakers Trio Red (Cab Sauv/Syrah/Zinfandel). It turned out really great.
I use to do nutrient additions at the beginning and then 1/3 depletion. This has changed to performing 4 nutrient additions. The 1st addition is performed at inoculation, and the other three every subsequent day. Each addition gets 1/4 of the total amount of required nutrient. If fermentation reaches 1/3 depletion before all three additions are done, add all the remain nutrient. BM4x4 is a nutrient hog. So, for a 6 gallons of must, I use a total of 32 grams Fermaid-O which, in turn, means four 8 gram additions.
As one added note here: The yeast is propagated using GoFerm.
This method has been working out well for me, and I do not mind the extra work to get some really great wine.
Anyone have additional thoughts about this? ...thinking together, we will all make great vino!