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Senior Member
Dec 4, 2009
Reaction score
Alright Rocky, I had enough! :ft

I made a comment and so did Runningwolf and you chose to ignore our comments so now I'm coming right out and asking

WHAT DA HE11 IS WITH THE AVATAR????????????????????????????/ :slp
I've been biting my tongue, trying not to ask :)

But curious as H-E-Double-Hockeysticks!
He has an explanation in his signature for each post!

I need to know if he has been married to her for 47 years if it was about 10 years before she was born!
Guys and Gals, I tried to post a picture of myself, but I crashed my computer! So I posted a picture of my bride. Is this not allowed?

Thank you all for the kind comments. Bev does take very good care of herself. When she was in Pharmacy School at Pitt, one of her male classmates said to her, "You are going to be like all Italian women when you get older, 5 feet tall and 5 feet wide, in a black dress with kids hanging all over you!" This had such an effect on her that she made it a point to keep in shape.

I should add that she drinks nothing but my wine. Perhaps in an earlier life I was Ponce de Leon.
My grandma never looked that good Mrs Rocky

SCOTTY/aka/ domenico vincenti Mario Scotto DeChicarello
ROFLMAO, Rocky You know you can't drink much and read any of your post's cuz every time I read one of your posts, I hear Bev's voice!!!!!!!!!! :)

You are a lucky man. She is very elegantly attractive and has the look of someone who is also very smart. If you do not make it a point to do something nice for her each and every day, then you, sir, are a cad!

(just my opinion)
