Sad day

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just an oldman
Aug 5, 2010
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Found out early this morning my youngest girls ex-husband died of an apparent overdose. Very sad when someone so young dies so needlessly young man mid 20's was loved by many just sad he couldn't see the problem.
Please be careful when doing anything drugs or drinking (getting older makes you think more)
be safe
I feel for you and yours, i've also been trough a few unfortunate lost like that
Yep, been there too many times! Nothing but heart felt sorrow from all of us here to you Sirs!
Lost my nephew to the same thing in September. My step brother last year same way. Never a good thing. Prayers are with you and your family.
My sympathies to you and your family. It's never easy to loose someone. Unfortunately we have all been there and we forget how hard it can be. This is the time to be with family and enjoy and remember the good times. For the ones that we have loved and lost are not truely lost, and will always be loved.
My prayers go out to you and all the families involved. It has gotten to be a common thing and is really sad.
Yep, been there too many times! Lost an uncle and a sister to the same thing. So sorry for your loss Sirs!