Screw caps vs corks

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Ernest T Bass

Senior Member
Sep 20, 2010
Reaction score
For what it's worth!----I started to put this on the beginners forum, and it probably should go their also, for safety reasons. I have just experienced the results of not de-gassing completly, 3 bottles exploded. My point is, corks are safer, you only get a big mess, when a bottle explodes due to the screwed on cap you get the same big mess but also flying glass.
Semper Fi
Wow Bud hopfully no one was hurt from the bottle bombs..
Two points...

1) this exploding bottle warning needs a stronger title. "Screw caps vs Corks" looks like the standard once a month question.

2) I don't believe that this is from poor degassing. This is probably caused by re-fermentation.

cpfan, That's what it was, I'm pretty sure. I tried to edit the post to add that. After I edited it, I couldn't get it to accept my post, the "submit" wasn't their anymore. After clicking on edit and making your corrections, how do you submit it again?
Semper Fi
cpfan, That's what it was, I'm pretty sure. I tried to edit the post to add that. After I edited it, I couldn't get it to accept my post, the "submit" wasn't their anymore. After clicking on edit and making your corrections, how do you submit it again?
Semper Fi

Click the 'Save'button.

For what it's worth!----I started to put this on the beginners forum, and it probably should go their also, for safety reasons. I have just experienced the results of not de-gassing completly, 3 bottles exploded. My point is, corks are safer, you only get a big mess, when a bottle explodes due to the screwed on cap you get the same big mess but also flying glass.
Semper Fi

If the cork is sealed with a cap and the cork fits tightly in the bottle it will explode just like the screw cap version.
No difference in safety. Believe me.........

IMO I highly doubt it is a degassing problem. Unless these bottles were exposed to much warmer temps then when they were bottled the trapped C02 just wont expand enough. I agree thwt it is more likely a refermentation problem like your sorbate was old or it just wasnt completely done fermenting.