OK, I've read over and over on this forum that kit instructions are approximates, and the only way to truly know what's going on is to take SG readings. Also, that patience is the most important thing in wine making.
That being said, I have a Luna Rossa and a Chard/Semillon in secondary, here are the details
Luna Rossa:
Started 9/3 SG 1.090
Checked primary 9/8 SG 1.024
Checked primary 9/10 SG 1.004, transferred to secondary
Checked secondary 9/19 SG 1.000
Checked secondary 9/20 SG 1.000
Directions say that SG should reach 0.998 before clearing and stabilizing. Should I wait a few more days? There is no activity in the carboy.
Started 9/3 SG 1.082
Checked primary 9/8 SG 1.000, transferred to secondary
Checked secondary 9/19 SG 0.998
Checked secondary 9/20 SG 0.998
Again, directions say that SG should reach 0.996 or less in secondary.
I am trying to raise the temp. above 70#. Do I need to do anything, or is this a case of mother nature saying that I shouldn't be so tied to approximates in the directions. What, if any, effects will moving on in the process have on the outcome of the wines. Thanks for any advice.
That being said, I have a Luna Rossa and a Chard/Semillon in secondary, here are the details
Luna Rossa:
Started 9/3 SG 1.090
Checked primary 9/8 SG 1.024
Checked primary 9/10 SG 1.004, transferred to secondary
Checked secondary 9/19 SG 1.000
Checked secondary 9/20 SG 1.000
Directions say that SG should reach 0.998 before clearing and stabilizing. Should I wait a few more days? There is no activity in the carboy.
Started 9/3 SG 1.082
Checked primary 9/8 SG 1.000, transferred to secondary
Checked secondary 9/19 SG 0.998
Checked secondary 9/20 SG 0.998
Again, directions say that SG should reach 0.996 or less in secondary.
I am trying to raise the temp. above 70#. Do I need to do anything, or is this a case of mother nature saying that I shouldn't be so tied to approximates in the directions. What, if any, effects will moving on in the process have on the outcome of the wines. Thanks for any advice.