WineXpert Selection Original Chianti

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Dec 28, 2009
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We purchased this kit last night and I'll be getting it started tonight after work. I will post updates as the process progresses. Is there anything I need to be aware of with this particular kit or just follow directions?
have you made a kit before?
follow directions yes.
take your time. check your SGs. keep a notebook. rack carefully and dont waste alot of wine avoiding lees. top up with wine not water. degass as best you can when you get to that step. consider bulk aging. when you get to bottling, put some in split bottles (375ml) for early sampling. plan to age at least a year or longer if you can stand it.
We mixed everything up this evening as directed to. Our initial sg was 1.092 and it is now sitting in the primary fermenter on our kitchen counter so that it maintains the proper temperature.

This batch will likely get bulk aged for at least an addtional month longer than the directions state prior to bottleing. I'm planning on a bottleing the end of March.
I was due to move to the second step yesterday where I transfer into the carboy. Directions state to wait until sg is at 1.010 however when I checked I was at 1.022. I gave it a little stir in the primary and covered again yesterday. Little yeastees went right back to work right quick after a little agitation. I'll check it again on Sunday to see where we are at and transfer to carboy then if all is well.

I'm planning on taking the 6 week kit and stretching out to at least 3 months maybe 4 before bottleing however I wanted to start another Island Mist series so we have something drinkable sooner than later and I only have one 6 gallon carboy. Looks like it's time for a carboy purchase with the next kit the end of March.
I'm in the same situation as you. I bottle when I need to free up a carboy. It works for me. I did a Selections Chilean Cab and it tasted real nice last weekend when I bottled it. It had been bulk aging for 3 months, now in bottles. I'm going to try to save most of this for a year to see how good it gets.