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Oct 20, 2012
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How many of have ink?
If you have it, bust it out, keep it clean, no photos of tattoo's in yer nether regions..LOL
Wow! Could Dave borrow that for labels? Lol nope can't show mine then! But will say its a happy sun!
I have seven.

Left lower leg - tiger crawling up it.
Right lower leg - Leopard head (my first tattoo) and a huge Celtic inspired ying-yang. They were the easiest to get a picture of, so I included it.

Left shoulder - Wonderful wizard that reminds me a lot of what I think Gandolf should look like and a Celtic knot, everlasting heart.
Right shoulder - St. Louis Blues logo exploding out of my arm with hockey sticks and a Celtic cross shape.

It is about time for a new one, these things are addicting. I am thinking something wine related or a Masonic Square and Compass.

I have a memorial to my father on my right arm, I'll try to get a pic.
Heck I'm OK with bending the rules, as long as I can blame it on Dan...LOL!!!
We are thinking about getting a few new ones as well, as I stated, I want to finish the sleeve, maybe a Samurai with the sword pulled back striking a pose to fight the dragon, I give the artist (I go to the same guy) freedom to do as he sees fit. The dragon took 12 hrs.
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I currently have two, but am looking to get so many more!

The lilies are the same as the ones my Dad grew for my wedding bouquet. The angel is for my friend Mike who I lost around 7 years ago. Miss him every day.

Would like to get ones for the kids: Wyn was born in the year of the Tiger, and Luther is year of the Dragon, so I was thinking of those - but in more of a fantasy slant than a Chinese one. Can't wait!

Summer 2008 105.jpg
My one and only. Got it the day I decided to leave my oppressive (now-ex) husband. I've gotten a bit of flack like "isn't that the Bam Margera symbol?" In reality, at the point of my life I was in, the band "HIM" was my primary music choice, because it really spoke to me. Also I'm a Libra so the balance of love and hate, or balance of anything seems completely natural to me.

I have no regret. Would love to get another, in fact we have THOUSANDS of dollars of credit, but haven't had a reason to get another. I suppose for me, I need a REASON to mark myself. I see my tattoo and remember that I'm not a woman who should be smothered into submission and that real love is a give and take.

Awesome piece of art! I know that had to hurt a little! I've always wanted to get my kids baby pics on my chest, over my heart, but every year that goes by, they get older (now 20 & 21 yrs old) it almost seems silly.
Glad to hear that you were able to get a tattoo that really means something to you, but heck, if I had a thousand dollars credit, my tattoo artist would be working his finger to the core...he he!
My wife being a good ole Irish gal (why do us Italian guys always marry Irish women?) had a Claddagh ring put on her foot, looks real nice, she has a few others as well.
I've been trying to get my Mom (74yrs old) to get a small told her we could get matching tattoos, her could say "Tom is my favorite child" and mine would say "I told you so", ok, so maybe not matching, but I find it!!! that would throw my sisters into a tail spin....LMAO!!!
Lol!! Too funny Tom! I would love it if my parents got tattoos, but for their generation tattoos are considered a no-no. Although - I did get my Dad's ear pierced for my 17th birthday :i So maybe there's a chance!

My large one was 2x7ish hour sittings. It hurt, but not as bad as I thought it would. My artist was a trooper! My husband got his back done by her as well (angel modeled after yours truly!):

Summer 2008 109.jpg
This is on my left calf.
Been there almost 18 years. He is my hero and someone I always think of when Things dont go well or I am riddled with anxiety.
When people ask why, I always respond with he does not quit. Never catches the rabbit, but he never gives up!

Not sure if it is truly this faded or just a bad picture (took with my cell sitting at my desk at work)
My wife has 4. We are both planning on another. Problem is I can not make up my mind as to what to get. I was thinking of my wife as a pin up, but that seems to much like a 1940's cliche!
She rejected my idea of matching neck tattoos!! (what says commitment more than matching neck tats?)

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Holy Lord! That is a big piece of artwork! Nice clean lines, and very cool that he got it modeled after you!
I love the Elmer Fudd Tattoo! I'm a big fan of the pin ups as well, sounds like a great idea, your wife should be honored that you want to use her image, real nice!
Elmer - love the idea of your wife as a pinup, talk about powerful and sexy!
All around me, my whole life, friends and family have been inked and pierced. Many times, I have considered a tatoo, but I have always been cognizant of the permanent-ness of such things, and that what I like at the moment, I may hate years from now. I've often said that I should just go get a tiny black dot (like a mole) somewhere on my body so that when people ask, I could say I do have a tatoo.

After all these years, my friends all have tatoos, my wife has several tatoos, all my coworkers have them. Then, one day it hit me! Now, I'm unique! Fifty years old, and I'm ink and piercing free! Yea, that's how I roll! :r
All around me, my whole life, friends and family have been inked and pierced. Many times, I have considered a tatoo, but I have always been cognizant of the permanent-ness of such things, and that what I like at the moment, I may hate years from now. I've often said that I should just go get a tiny black dot (like a mole) somewhere on my body so that when people ask, I could say I do have a tatoo.

After all these years, my friends all have tatoos, my wife has several tatoos, all my coworkers have them. Then, one day it hit me! Now, I'm unique! Fifty years old, and I'm ink and piercing free! Yea, that's how I roll! :r

I find myself in the same position. I remember a comic strip (cannot recall the name) where a little girl asks her father how old he is, and he replies "Old enough to remember when tatoos were a sign of rebellion, not a sign of conformity!" A more articulated version of this can be found in The Telegraph:
Once, a tattoo marked someone out as a rebel, as an individual who had voluntarily cast himself out of the mainstream; today, when you can’t walk down a high street without seeing scores of branded people, being tattooed is the mainstream. And to not be tattooed, to have what is known as “virgin skin”, is to thumb your nose at the mainstream, to demonstrate your ability to read celebrity magazines and listen to “high-profile figures” bang on about the glories of body art without feeling the need to copy them. To reject body art is to rebel.
Trust me, mine were done long before it became "mainstream", that's just an excuse for you tattoo phobics...LOL