sick and tired

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Senior Member
Jun 15, 2010
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central Nebraska
Anybody getting tired of the political commercials?? Every couple minuted the same one hits the tv. If we could find anybody that would play nice with others in the sandbox, think I would vote for them. Only a few days left. Arne.
I hear ya, I am sooooo tired of all the negatively and the doom and gloom.
All sides are such liars! And we are supposed to have confidence in "any" of them? Wonder why they can't be held accountable for their lies.
I have to agree it really is getting old. The bad thing is the Christmas ads will start then. After all its only 61 days till Christmas.
Be careful.

The discussion of "politics" is not allowed on WMT.

But yes, very tired of all the commercials like everyone else.....
Here here. It is about over but then the holiday stuff starts. After all only 61 days till Christmas.
Here here. It is about over but then the holiday stuff starts. After all only 61 days till Christmas.

Oh yea bring that up!!!!!!! :slp I get real tired of the Christmas stuff too but there are somethings that you just can't get tired of.

A Christmas Story
Christmas Vacation
Christmas songs
My wife works in retail. Halloween in august and Christmas stuff is already out in Oct.
So much money is spent on these ads and they do not real good. Think of what that money could have been used for......
If they put that money into our schools (k-12) every 4 years, we'd be way ahead of where we are right now

Makes me sick. Most of us wont ever even see that much money, let alone in one place/at one time.
i would like to know who thought that "mud slinging" would be a great idea for campaigning for office???....good grief....all these "fools" do is bash each other, talking about the "wrong" things the other did, instead of talking about the "good" things they did for everyone...maybe it's actually because all they "all" do, is screw the little man and really don't have and true, redeeming acts of their one??....that is, perhaps, you happen to be a member of their "millionaire" club??? seems to me, no matter what party they belong to, the only ones that make out are their cronies that happen to be in the same financial class as our fine career, millionaire politicians....and then all these commercials for the "proposals"...of course one side says how much it will help while the other mentions something almost what seems COMPLETELY unrelated, as a negative, and nobody explains how on earth these 2 things can possibly related in the same proposal....bottom line: all of our "elected officials", who given this fact that WE elected them and therefore SHOULD be working for US, and doing what should be GOOD for US, in turn actually seem to follow their OWN agenda, at OUR expense...

I think that is just human nature. Tear the other guy down to build yourself up. I think that (in politics) it is unavoidable.

Just had a thought... Have any of you folks seen the Richard Pryor movie called "Brewsters Millions"? This was a movie about a guy that had 30 days to spend 30 million dollars. He had a hard time doing it until he rand for political office. I remember a segment in the movie where Pryor is campaigning while a big cube of money gets smaller and smaller.

Good movie. The campaign was that he hated both candidates and wanted everyone to vote for "None of the Above". Wish, just once, this could happen.

I think that is just human nature. Tear the other guy down to build yourself up. I think that (in politics) it is unavoidable.

Just had a thought... Have any of you folks seen the Richard Pryor movie called "Brewsters Millions"? This was a movie about a guy that had 30 days to spend 30 million dollars. He had a hard time doing it until he rand for political office. I remember a segment in the movie where Pryor is campaigning while a big cube of money gets smaller and smaller.

Good movie. The campaign was that he hated both candidates and wanted everyone to vote for "None of the Above". Wish, just once, this could happen.

yes john, i do remember the was good....and you may be right about human nature, but i would love to see candidates truly campaign on their own merit....and i know for who knows how many elections lately, i have been leaning towards a write in for "none of the above"
LOL, Could not agree more! It certainly would be great if those running for office would set a better example! VOTE NONE OF THE ABOVE !!!!
i can't remember the last time we had a clear cut front runner, or real "winner" so to speak, of a candidate.....lately it just seems like we voting for the "lesser of 2 evils", essentially looking for who is going to screw us, this whole political thing is a sore subject for guess i'll step off of my soap box now....roflmao....
I agree. It is also hard to restrain my comments to conform with the "no politics" rule. Hope that I did not cross that line.
No JohnT you haven't. So far I have really enjoyed this thread.

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