Smell of gooseberry wine

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Dec 28, 2011
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Tried searching forums for this, but with no luck.

I've made a batch of gooseberry wine last year but.. while of perfect taste it smells weird. Like excrement or pee of whatever else you imagine from that line..

Is that me who did something wrong or is it normal and I just have to wait :) ?

Maybe someone has similar experience?

I've used gooseberries a lot in my wine, but as a fruit additive to juice buckets mostly. I've used Hinommaki Red and Yellow, Tixia, Black Velvet and another that was so not it's description that I have no idea what it is. No smell issues, but remember I added a couple gallon bags of fruit to 6 gal juice buckets.

Good Luck.

Pam in cinti
Does it happen to be kind of a sulfer smell? Betting you either stressed your yeast or left it siton the lees for too long without racking. Another thing it could possibly be is something wasn't as clean as it should of been and you got a bacteria in it. Not saying you didn't take care to have everything clean and sanatized, but if something got by it wouldn't have to be very big to multiply and become nasty. Arne.
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