silently sitting here, watching nothing but the bubbling of time in front of me, and silently observing the ever so fragile existance of life populationg like a rush of pure adreniline within ones' body at the moment of impact as anexities overwhelm the basic nature oftheir spirit.
As with most things in life, I tend to look at them very differently then most others. But nothing is more amazing then when one or many remind me that I am not alone, nor am I misunderstood.
From a simple 1 gallon plastic milk jug and balloon with 3 pin holes, to the 1500ml mason jar and macgyver engineered air lock, to allowing progression and time a chance to brew by means of 2 ( 1 ) gallon glass jugs and 1 piece locks. Once content but now overwhelmed with the desire to breed, create and enjoy, my collection has only begun to get stronger. With 2 new 3 gallon glas jugs,and 2 piece locks and another 1 gallon jug, it is only within the ounce and gram scale, countless gidets and gadets from theives to corkers and hydrometers and sypons, can I see with a clear conscience the campdens and sorbates, acids and stabilezers that tend to go hand and hand with the supreme notion that nothing in life ever makes sense, but with a clean glass, one can see past the haze..
I don't think i should be drinking wine.....
Edited by: zember311
As with most things in life, I tend to look at them very differently then most others. But nothing is more amazing then when one or many remind me that I am not alone, nor am I misunderstood.
From a simple 1 gallon plastic milk jug and balloon with 3 pin holes, to the 1500ml mason jar and macgyver engineered air lock, to allowing progression and time a chance to brew by means of 2 ( 1 ) gallon glass jugs and 1 piece locks. Once content but now overwhelmed with the desire to breed, create and enjoy, my collection has only begun to get stronger. With 2 new 3 gallon glas jugs,and 2 piece locks and another 1 gallon jug, it is only within the ounce and gram scale, countless gidets and gadets from theives to corkers and hydrometers and sypons, can I see with a clear conscience the campdens and sorbates, acids and stabilezers that tend to go hand and hand with the supreme notion that nothing in life ever makes sense, but with a clean glass, one can see past the haze..
I don't think i should be drinking wine.....
Edited by: zember311