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If you are comfortable with lab work, running an SO2 test is no more complicated than measuring TA. Actually it is less complicated using the indicator. The main chemicals are hydrogen peroxide, 0.01N sodium hydroxide, phosphoric acid and the methylene green indicator solution. The last 3 you can get at The economy kit supplies the necessary hardware to do the AO while a buret or syringe will do the titration with the help of the indicator.

In the end, it is whatever your budget allows and is easiest for you. If having the Vinmetrica makes it more likely you'll run the test for the number of tests you run, then its worth it. If you are more of the technical sort that likes more hands on bench work, you'd be better off getting the economy kit and the individual chemicals.

My $0.02 is that (generally speaking) that Hanna and Vinmetrica want to sell you the same hardware with subtle tweaks for every single test you need to make. Sometimes it is convenient but other times it just clutters your lab space with yet another special-purposed pH meter kit that you've dropped $300-600 on. A decent buret, pH meter, beakers and magnetic stirrer will go a long way to doing all you need ever.
