stainless tank marchti

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Aug 8, 2011
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i have read about cutting off the marble in the floating lid and using a stopper. i think this is pretty good idea has anyone done that and if so tell me how to what part to cut just below the marble or where. thanks Rick
What would be the advantage of doing this? Does the marble make an inferior seal?
I recently got a 200L tank with an air lock with the marble. I did'nt think that the supplied air lock + marble was satisfactory, so after some enquiries with other folk it was suggested that I replace it with a tradional water air lock.
Another friend lost 500L of wine with his new S/steel tank so he quickly changed it to traditional air lock.

You need to cut the top off and replace it with a runbber bung & water air lock.
The marble traps are more for use during the fermentation of wine. When fermentation is complete, I swap it out for a #10 stopper and a "gooseneck" Trap. This provides a better seal.

Take a closer look at the trap that is on your lid. I have never heard of one that was not easily removable. mind are mounted with a screw type ring that just needs a pair of channel locks to remove.


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