storage temp

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Senior Member
Jul 22, 2008
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I just traded a couple of bottles of wine for someone's "garage refrigerator" to use as a cellar to store my wine. Set the warmest it can go it is at about 47 degrees. Do I still need to get a regulator to get it up to 55? Will storing my wine between 45 and 48 be too cold? I don't want it to drop the tartrate crystals like it does if you leave it in the fridge.
You might be able to adjust the thermostat to get higher temperatures. This link is for mini fridge, but it will also work with many regular fridges (See the thermoset tinkering method):
Here's a link with a lot of info an pics (mainly for making a chest freezer into a beer cooler, but the same basic principal):

I am doing this to a mini fridge, and can get it to go from 70-50F using the main knob now. Next will making some shelving to store bottles.
The bigger issue them the right temp is "steady teperature". Ifg the temperature in the refriderator fluctuates a great deal the way the compressor is sat up you could be worse off then leaving it unrefridgerated. An inexpensive way of checking the temp is set a remote outdoor thermometer in it that you can read from the outside and not opening the door. See what the actual temp is and if it stays there consistently.