Storing corks (Or how long do corks last?)

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I just bought that batch and being delivered today.
I will put an open bottle with sulfite in it and then in plastic bucket.

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Sealed "Corkidor" with open jug of KMETA in the middle. I had 1000 corks last 2 years with out incidence. Am now on my 2nd 1000 using the same method.
Here's what you do,,,,,,, Get yourself a vacuum food sealer and pack up as many as you would use in one sitting,,,say @30/carboy. Problem solved!!! AND you can use it for food too!!!
Again, they sit on store shelves and in warehouses for who knows how long before you get them!!!
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Corkadore but but like that vacuum bag idea as well even though, because I generally bottle with a combo of 750ML and 1.5L, I don't use a set number of corks each bottling.
I googled, and I searched, but could not find a direct answer for this! I am considering buying 1000 ct bag of agglomerated corks. That many would last me many, many years. If I separate them and store in individual bags, do they have a shelf life?

I would seriously consider going in with someone else to buying half of them from you. When you say many, many years, I wouldn't do it. Either buy fewer corks or split them up. Since they are not personalized, the risk isn't worth it.
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