Strategy when gifting wine

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Feb 9, 2010
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Ok, so here is a topic that I do not remember ever seeing...

Does anybody out there employ and strategy when giving wine to others?

For example, I have a neighbor that made wine and I did not want him to know exactly how good my wine was. To this end, I never gave him my best. Some times I gave him my worst. When we entered into same winemaking competition, he just could not understand how my wine could place better than his. I still chuckle thinking of reaction!

I also give my worst to anyone that has abused the "can I get a bottle?" privilege.
I wont give any thing I wouldn't want to drink either ... and those that give bottles back get more than those that don't.

I do save the best ones for family though.
I only give away wines that I am proud to claim. If I have a wine that is less than expected, I either drink it myself or cook with it. If it is really bad, it goes into the vinegar crock. If it is horrible, it gets "buried at sea." (i.e. goes down the drain)
It is a "double edged sword" isn't it???

On one hand you want to share your best, but on the other hand you will end up with much less of the good stuff.
It is a "double edged sword" isn't it???

On one hand you want to share your best, but on the other hand you will end up with much less of the good stuff.

John I understand your strategy with the other guy and I think it's funny. As far as giving it away to anyone else I would never give away anything bad unless if they tasted it and liked it. There is just way too much bad home made wine out there and we don't need our name attached to it.

With that said I have wine I am not crazy about and will give that out to those folks that are looking for a free hand out. Take Skittles Wine for example. It's very sweet and tasty but I'm not crazy about it, but I have some friends that just love it. I'm sure you do the same thing.
I'm totally without strategy or subtlety in this area, and thus I get taken. :) When I started making wine, my goal was to give friends and family an occasional bottle. The problem became that, according to friends and family, I don't make a bad wine. They like them all, take them all, and drink them all. I have noticed that my lovely wife is far more generous with the wine than I am. Whole cases go missing while I'm at work!

Oh, well! I'm not selling it, and I certainly can't drink it all...and they praise me non-stop <the wino butt-kissers> and I adore them all, so why not share?

Wine is like love. It's much better when you share it! :p
Oh, well! I'm not selling it, and I certainly can't drink it all...and they praise me non-stop <the wino butt-kissers> and I adore them all, so why not share?

Wine is like love. It's much better when you share it! :p

You are a very wise man, Dave.
You are a very wise man, Dave.

I very much agree


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