Strawberry find.

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Senior Member
Jun 15, 2010
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central Nebraska
Gonna be more strawberry wine around the Johnson house. Was at a local grocery store and they were trying to get rid of strawberries. A 30# bucketful for 20 bucks. Opened it up after I got home with it, the top is a little freezer burnt, but think the rest is ok. Gonna be a couple weeks but will give em a try. Oh yeah, 20 dollars seems cheap when I think how long I was on my prayer bones gettin 25 lbs. earlier this summer. Stay tuned, Arne.
The berries are in Grand Island. If you are close and want some, let me know and I'll tell where. Just don't need to give any store free advertising.
That would make a good 5 gal recipe !

Great find
Kinda what I'm thinkin Tom. Gonna be a little while before I have a couple of open primaries and then they gonna ferment.
Keep in mind ALL Strawberry wine needs a f-pac and back sweetening. So plan on accordingly
I have a few pounds left over from this summers pickings. Will probably use it for the f=pac and will back sweeten. Have not made any that I like really dry so that is a given for me.
That is a pretty good price. I cried buckets of tears all during our season while the price held at $2.00 a pound. The lucked out with a rare u-pic and got all I needed.
Then walmart dropped to a dollar a pound.
Still about $1.50 now.

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