strawberry wine 1 gal.

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Oct 25, 2008
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i am making a batch of strawberry wine .i got the recipe from the stores web site here,it called for 7 pints of water 3 & a half pounds of berrys and so said i makes 1 gallon. it looks to me like i have about a gal and a half of liquid now. i had the berrys in a bag during ferminting and now it appers all the berrys disolved. it is very little of any thing leftin the bag. is this some thing i should be cocerned over. t
Looking good so far.

You will find once you transfer there will be alot of solids leftbehind. You can use a 1 gal jug and a 1.5 ltr bottle. When ready to rack again you will seemoresolids. You will wind up with 1 gal of wine when finished.
Some fruits will almost dissolve completely while others will tirn almpost white from the colors being extracted from them. You are in good shape and the amount of wine you have now is good so at the end when you have racked a few times you will then have your 1 gallon. Right now when you rack to glass you will need another bottle to keep your overage in and a bung and airlock, try to size it properly so that vessel isnt far from being full either.
You are doing fine. After squeezing the bag of berries before racking I had mush.
You will most likely have a gallon with some left over. When I sweetened mine adding the f-pack I had extra. Good luck and you are on the right track!!

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