strawberry wine kit

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Feb 19, 2008
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I just started buying wine kit. This one is Laurel Creek Strawberry Whit Zinfandel. It's supposed to take only 4 weeks. I started it at the beginning of January andif siphoned it when the gravity was 1.010 as per instruction. Whn the gravity is 1000 or less I am to add the strawberry syrup. Well, it's been weeks and the graviry is now 1.070. What did I do wrong? or is it possible that the kit is defective?

I make wine from scratch. I always had great success making Parsley wine. This time, it won't clear. Why?
Could you verify the current SG? It shouldn't have gone from 1.010 up to 1.070 without the addition of a lot of syrup or sugar. Once we know where it really is, we might be able to shed some light. Until then everything would just be pure speculation.

Greetings by the way. It's nice to have you join us!
I It is still at 1.070 and seems to be stuck there . I have never had this problem before. I also made wine from the red currants from my garden. and some red spinach wine from a spinach that grows red berries. very goooooooooooooood
Have you added anything else to this wine? It doesn't make sense that you siphoned it at 1.010 and is now 1.070, that is .060 higher which would mean sugar of some kind was added. It would take several pounds of sugar to do this. Did you add some syrup or flavoring? If not, check it again. If it is truly at 1.070, then fermentation never really got started, so it will certainly not clear.
Welcome Ms. M M...hope your wine works out for you. I am sure that the folks here will help you solve your mystery.

Your Red Currant wine sounds so good...
The parsley wine?????? you use it for marinade or is it a drinking wine...?
If you added the strawberry syrup that came with the pack that could be it. If you didn't add anything at all, taste the juice and see if it is still sweet.

Are you sure you do not mean 1.007? That would make a lot more sense. what is the temp in the room that the wine is in and has that been pretty consistent. Being a mist style wine thats pretty close to where some of them end and if that SG reading has been at that for more then a few days straight then your probably safe to take the next step and add the meta and sorbate.
Thank you for your help.
I followed the direction included with the kit. The temp. in my basement is a constant 72 degrees. I returned the rest of the kit to Zeller and purchased another one. Not a fruit wine this time just a french charboney.
The parsley wine is for drinking and is very good.
The red currant is very sweet. I picked the currants in the summer and froze them because I don't have the time to do wine in the summer. After I started the wine, I let it sit for almost one year before bottling. Still after all this, I had a few bottle explode on me. I can post the receipe if you are interested.
Ms. Madeleine M said:
The parsley wine is for drinking and is very good.
The red currant is very sweet. I picked the currants in the summer and froze them because I don't have the time to do wine in the summer. After I started the wine, I let it sit for almost one year before bottling. Still after all this, I had a few bottle explode on me. I can post the receipe if you are interested.

Red Currant wine sounds good....But exploding bottles do not..... We have been lucky and never had a cork blow off...Hope our luck holds.

Do you know what variety of Red Currant's you have growing???
I think ours are Red Lake...They root real easily and I made a bunch of little plants from cuttings last summer...Set them out in the garden last fall, mulched them, put chicken wire around them and with all our snow cover only time will tell if we will have little plants alive in the spring.

Hope someday have enough to make a 5-6 gallon batch of wine every year.....Ahh...picking summer fruits....anxiously awaiting spring.

Look closly at your hydrometer.

A specific gravity of 1.070 would mean that half of the white label is floating above the surface of the wine.

A specific gravity of 1.007 would mean that only 1/2 inch of the white label is floating above thewine surface.

Which is it?

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