Strong smell

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Junior Member
Feb 8, 2014
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My skeeter pee is going good after about 36 hours but has a strong not so pleasent smell. I have been stiring 2 times a day and following the recipe on skeeterpee website this smell normal and will it go away

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Can you describe the smell. Some smells are good while others are bad and it is difficult to say whether or not you are have a good smell or a bad smell without a better description
Personally, I think a lot of ferments smell better at the beginning then the end. I just finished the primary ferment of skeeter pee and it was the same. The lemon smell is fairly strong at the start, but after a week it is not a strong smell. A piesporter was an exception, but probably because of the elderflower smell so good.

As others said there are bad smells, so let us know.
Hard to say..not like a egg smell but not appitising either....i stired it good and it seemed to go away some .....ive herd others say it smelled bad at first then turned out good

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Did my morning stir and smell is lots better .....SG was close to the 1.050 and it should be there this eve so ill add my yeast nutrient and stuff this afternoon

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SG was right at 1.050 added my last bottle of juice and nutrients yesterday eve gonna see what i got going this morn

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My last SP, just put in secondary had a strong smell also & a long active fermentation. 12 days in primary, to instructions, then to secondary @ 1.007. The smell was a little like paint thinner! Whisked a bunch. This is my 9-10th batch. Possible temp was too high, 78-80* going fishing for 2 days, will taste & sniff when we get back. Roy
My temp been running bout 72 - 75

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