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Hi everybody! I'm new to the vineyard business. I recently built a small vineyard and planted new vines back in late march. They've been growing really well until this last few weeks, a good portion of them are struggling, while others appear to be thriving. I'm clearly not doing something right and I figure I'm either over-watering, under-watering or they have a disease. I could really use some guidance from people with experience. For reference, I'm in Southern California, in the city of Escondido. Here's what's going on:

I have half gallon per hour drips on each vine and I've verified they're all dripping at the base of the plant. I was originally watering them 2 gallons of water of a four hour duration once a week. This was fine, but in the last two - three weeks there's been some heat waves, with temperatures in the 90's, sometimes low 100's. During these heat waves, I often would have the drips water the vines twice during the week, same amount of water each time. Some vines appear to be thriving just fine, but others are struggling. The symptom is always the same, yellowing of the leaves starting at the bottom of the vine and then they shrivel up brown and dead. The tops still have green on it, but many have slowed or stop growing. I'm afraid if I don't make changes, they'll simply die off.

Most of the information I can find about watering vines are for mature vines, but I'm not clear how much water a new, establishing vine would need.

Any advice you have for me would be appreciated! I've attached photos of some of the vines.
