Stuck fermentation on sweet cherry

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Aug 25, 2019
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I bought some of the sweet cherry concentrate from Coloma and started this wine on the 16th. Here is the recipe I used.

3 qts concentrate
2 1/4 gal water
3 tsp yeast nutrient
4 tsp acid blend
2 tsp pectic enzyme
3 campden tablets

Starting SG was 1.090 with no sugar added.

On the 17th, 24 hrs later, I added a yeast starter using Red Star premier classic yeast.

By the 21st, the SG was down to 1.022 and stopped here.

On the 23rd, I added a yeast starter with EC1118.

By the 26th, nothing was going yet, so I made a yeast starter using Red Star premier blanc. Once this was going good, I slow fed wine to it, as suggested in a couple of the other stuck fermentation threads on the forum. It seemed to be fermenting slowly, as it did produce a fizz when stirred. Once I got to a couple gallons of wine into it, the ferment has stopped and SG is still at 1.022.

Today, the 29th, I added 3/4 tsp per gallon of yeast energizer hoping that will push it through. I've made 40 - 50 gallons of wine in the last couple years and have never run into a stuck fermentation before. Any suggestions? I know I'm still in the "beginner with no patience" stage of winemaking. Just hoping I can salvage this batch. I'm concerned about having it in the fermenting bucket for almost 2 weeks. Should I rack it to a carboy and hope it finishes there?

Just a note. I also started a peach, an elderberry, a tart cherry and concord grape at the same time. All of these have fermented perfect and let's me know my hydrometer is working right.
I bought some of the sweet cherry concentrate from Coloma and started this wine on the 16th. Here is the recipe I used.

3 qts concentrate
2 1/4 gal water
3 tsp yeast nutrient
4 tsp acid blend
2 tsp pectic enzyme
3 campden tablets

Starting SG was 1.090 with no sugar added.

On the 17th, 24 hrs later, I added a yeast starter using Red Star premier classic yeast.

By the 21st, the SG was down to 1.022 and stopped here.

On the 23rd, I added a yeast starter with EC1118.

By the 26th, nothing was going yet, so I made a yeast starter using Red Star premier blanc. Once this was going good, I slow fed wine to it, as suggested in a couple of the other stuck fermentation threads on the forum. It seemed to be fermenting slowly, as it did produce a fizz when stirred. Once I got to a couple gallons of wine into it, the ferment has stopped and SG is still at 1.022.

Today, the 29th, I added 3/4 tsp per gallon of yeast energizer hoping that will push it through. I've made 40 - 50 gallons of wine in the last couple years and have never run into a stuck fermentation before. Any suggestions? I know I'm still in the "beginner with no patience" stage of winemaking. Just hoping I can salvage this batch. I'm concerned about having it in the fermenting bucket for almost 2 weeks. Should I rack it to a carboy and hope it finishes there?

Just a note. I also started a peach, an elderberry, a tart cherry and concord grape at the same time. All of these have fermented perfect and let's me know my hydrometer is working right.
The only questionable parameters left to explore are temps and pH. If your temps are in the mid 70’s, my money would be on a low pH issue. Sometimes a ferment will go well with low pH, to a point. As the alcohol increases, so does the stress on the yeast, that added stress, combined with low pH stress can stall a ferment. What are your temps and pH?
Temperature is around 65-68. I did move it upstairs last night where it is 70 - 72. I've been using the Vintner's acid testing kit, but on this batch I could not get a good test. I am assuming the solution has gone bad. I have a PH tester ordered, but it will not be here until Monday.
Thought I would update this. On Friday, I racked the wine to carboys as I was afraid of oxidation with no fermenting going on. On another thread, I read that there was speculation that not all the sugars in the Coloma concentrates is ferment-able. In one of the gallon carboys, I started slow feeding sugar to it. Within a few hours, it started fermenting again, so I added sugar to all of it.

The next day it was all going good, so I racked back to the fermenting buckets and added enough sugar to hit my desired alcohol content (12%) if it finishes fermenting at 1.022. If it goes to completely dry, I will be about 15%. It is now bubbling away, so hopefully I am back on track.

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