sucks to be back

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Why not move there? Folks uproot themselves daily to move from one place to another more desirable geographical area. Maybe not easy but it can be done if you want it bad enough.
JohnT can't move to Florida. Where would he buy his grapes for fall crush? He would get tired of Muscadine grapes real quick. That's about all the grows in the south for wine.
On a serious side. Pardo Grapes brings in refrigerated tractor trailer loads of Calif grapes to Riverview Fl each fall. That's about 30 min to Bradenton or less. Last year they were $36 a lug. No skin in game, just cool to get fresh grapes from Calif. they also do Chilean juice buckets in April. Roy
Why not move there? Folks uproot themselves daily to move from one place to another more desirable geographical area. Maybe not easy but it can be done if you want it bad enough.

Well, I have a job up here and also most of my family. I will retire (one day) and might very well move down there. New Jersey is not really geared for those that live on a fixed income.

Gee, you make us feel so wanted...


Now BB, don't be that way... :)

Well, I can honestly say: (all together now, in a saccharine voice) "We missed you, JohnT." :(

Well, think of it like this.. My being on vacation provided you with a vacation too!

On a serious side. Pardo Grapes brings in refrigerated tractor trailer loads of Calif grapes to Riverview Fl each fall. That's about 30 min to Bradenton or less. Last year they were $36 a lug. No skin in game, just cool to get fresh grapes from Calif. they also do Chilean juice buckets in April. Roy

VERY cool to know! I figured that I would only be able to do kits if I moved down there. Nice to see the Florida has a viable source for grapes!
I hear you about fixed income and living in certain States. It was one of the main reasons my wife and I moved from CT to PA last year. [Something like 4-6K more in our pockets each year here in PA] Thankfully we've also got family and friends nearby here in PA, it took a lot of the sting out of leaving family and friends behind in CT.

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