Sugar Free Blueberry Syrup?

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No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
Mar 18, 2012
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DC Suburbs
I'm going to make a 1gallon wheat beer kit and I'd like to flavor it with some blueberry. I don't want to add any fermentables when doing so, so my thought is to use a sugar free blueberry syrup. Is this a good approach? Any recommended products?
I'ver bought these in the past. I noticed you said you were adding this to beer,so these are great for that. For wine though, unless it's a kit or DB I wouldn't recommend it because for long term it doesn't hold the taste.
For beer I really would add the extra fermentables and use something like jam or frozen fruit. The small amount of fermentables will have a very minimum impact on mouth feel, and wont dry it out to any noticeable degree, and you will get a much more authentic flavor. Personally, Im not much of a fan of the extracts.