Sulfite, how long for it to wear off?

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Senior Member
Feb 28, 2013
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Accidentally added 1/2 oz of flavored extract to my 1/2 jug of cider.
Come to find out the extract box indicated "contains sulfites".

I had intended to bottle prime the cider, but fear that is not possible right now.

How long until the viable yeast will no longer be effected by the sulfites?
3 months?
Could I rack a few times to try and lesson the potencies?
Have you measured the SO2? Do you have any idea how much was in the extract?

EC1118 has a pretty high SO2 tolerance. It may ferment just fine. But if you can get a good SO2 measurement, that would help inform you.
Have you measured the SO2? Do you have any idea how much was in the extract?

EC1118 has a pretty high SO2 tolerance. It may ferment just fine. But if you can get a good SO2 measurement, that would help inform you.

I have no means of measuring the SO2.
Since you're in a quandary, and have given little information, I'm going out on a limb, making some assumptions along the way. Assuming the flavoring was protected with similar concentrations as our wine, diluting the half ounce of flavoring in a half jug (I'm assuming that's half a gallon), or 64 ounces, means that the sulfite is now 128 times more dilute than it was in the concentrate.

If your half jug is bigger than half a gallon, like half a bucket, half a carboy, half a demi-john, even better.

Make normal preparations for fermenting, temperature control, etc. and pitch your yeast.
Since you're in a quandary, and have given little information, I'm going out on a limb, making some assumptions along the way. Assuming the flavoring was protected with similar concentrations as our wine, diluting the half ounce of flavoring in a half jug (I'm assuming that's half a gallon), or 64 ounces, means that the sulfite is now 128 times more dilute than it was in the concentrate.

If your half jug is bigger than half a gallon, like half a bucket, half a carboy, half a demi-john, even better.

Make normal preparations for fermenting, temperature control, etc. and pitch your yeast.

Thanks for info.
Not much details to give.
3 gallons of fresh pressed cider
Notty ale yeast
Use some pectin & yeast nutrient
Started fermenting late Nov

FG below 1.00

Had 1/2 gallon jug filled and experimented by adding Caramel Extract
I agree with John's assessment. The amount of sulfite added is probably insignificant.
Try priming a bottle, see if it takes off. If it does, do the rest of them. If not, we can play with it some and maybe reduce the sulfites. Arne.
Try priming a bottle, see if it takes off. If it does, do the rest of them. If not, we can play with it some and maybe reduce the sulfites. Arne.

I am going to give it a good splash racking before I bottle.
64 oz should be about 5 bottles.
Worst case scenario I drink it still.
Thanks for info and help