sulfites & headachs

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Senior Member
Dec 28, 2009
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I was reading the average amount of sulfite in commercial wine is 80mg/l, and sulfites DO NOT give you headachs, they go on to say there is something in red wine that causes headachs but they do not know why, what are your thoughts and what amount of sulfites does your wine finish out at, I know it demends on the ph, but what is you average?
We just had this discussion last week (?) on another thread about this. Sulfites "free" drop over time, even in the bottle. No one as far as we know ever took a sulfite level after it was bottled then opened. It would be a nice experiment.

Since natural corks breath are more sulfites lost with these than with synthetic corks? Don't really know.
Steve- I tested a bottle of local commercial white wine and in read 50mg of sulfite, researchers believe that maybe the skins from the red grape could cause more headaches than white
My guess is that it would be tyramine, which is in a lot of things, including aged cheese and red wine:

It's odd that cheese and wine are such a great combo, but both can have tyramine, which can cause headaches.

It seems that some people are more susceptible than others, I have one friend that will get a bad headache from eating one piece of aged cheese, but I do not.

I have also heard that some folks are slightly allergic to tannins and get headaches.