Summer Colors

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Mar 1, 2009
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I thought I would share some pictures from a few area's in my yard.




Very Nice... I have lots of flowers... they are more "relaxed" in nature, let's say!!

Yes there are some fantail fish in them. Rob I designed and created the beds and my wife maintains them. When january comes around she goes into a depression wanting to get out in the dirt to play. She buys and plants all of the flowers. All of the daylilies came from growers in the tri state area and also an online plant auction. She can pay more for one liliy then I pay for 6 gallons of juice.
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That looks very nice Dan. :try Can I hire you?

Make sure you pick them before they die out this fall because we're all anxiously waiting to find out what the wine from these is going to taste like.
Debbie, I helped my friend build a big water garden last year and we put the fish in there.

Rick my wife dead heads the lilies every morning or night. We have put the flowers in salads. Also we've stuffed them with a cream cheese/jelly mixture and served them.
We have been asked to be part of a large garden tour benefit but we turned them down the last couple of years. We do it for our own enjoyment and don't want the stress of "what if". I also have a very large Peony bed with about 30 different varieties including 6 peony trees.
OMG Debbie!!! Quit talking about fish. Wade will be there in a heartbeat---and then there will be none! :D
Can anyone say fish fry?????? I wonder if thise fish will snack on some bunker?
Those are very nice beds.I do quite a bit of perennial gardening also. Does your wife get the lilies to bloom a second time?I'm making an effort to try to get several of mine to re-bloom this year.I love the assorted varieties of lilies and the many crosses.
J-Gee I think I remember her saying something about a few reblooming but I'll have to ask her about it. I will try to find out which one they were also. What are you doing to get a second bloom or is it just the variety?
I bet the "other" 1/2 takes care of all those plants/flowers. :i

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