Summerhillvines - Lake City, fla

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Junior Member
Feb 20, 2013
Reaction score
Butler County, Ohio
I recently signed on, but have been lurking and reading for several months. I have made 2 batches so far. Neither are bottled yet. Actually they won't ever be "bottled'. I am going with the bag-in-box system. Both batches are from juice collected last season and frozen until time permitted. I have enough for one more 6-gal batch. By then I may have fresh berries to play with.

The grapes are several varieties of muscadines. I have no idea what those varieties are. Hope to get that narrowed down some this summer. I bought the place with 85 established vines, but they were untended for several years due to illness of the previous owner.

I replaced several rotted posts, restrung the trellises and pruned the vines this winter. I had to remove a lot of old, diseased and damaged wood and more "newer" growth than normal to get the vines back on the wires and untangled.

The info from this site has been a really big help so far. I'll probably post a summary of what I did and how I did it before I start the last batch, and ask for advice and comments.

All you muscadine experts out there, tighten your chin straps. I'm gonna have some questions for you.

This a fun site to wander around in. Lots of good stuff. Keep up the good work!
Welcome Summerhill vines. Didn't know they had grapes in Florida! Sounds like a nice property you've aquired.
Welcome. I would like to come visit when I am back in Florida. I live in Olustee, just east of you. I also live in Alabama but will be back some this spring.

We may be able to start and informal club No rules, dues or officers) in the area. I have a wine making friend in Macclenny. There is also a grape grower (Muscadine) in Baker County. We could probably find a half dozen or so folks interested. We could meet at my place on Ocean Pond some.
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