Super Smoother

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Nov 24, 2010
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At the wine store I go to they recommend using an item called Super Smoother right before bottling any red wine. Here is a description of it...

Two-pouch system that contains 15 ml of glycerin and 15 ml of Sinatin 17, a European liquid oak extract, to smooth the taste of young or harsh wines and reduces aging time for homemade wines. One pouch is sufficient for 6 gallons.

Has anyone ever used this? Is it a good idea?
I don't use it - never heard of it. But i would recommend to just let your wine naturally age instead of trying to artificially make it drinkable sooner.
If you google it you will see an old thread on not only this forum but also over at Winepress. No one at all seems to advocate using it in any way.
I've seen it at the local store but haven't used it. I've tasted wine that has had liquid oak added and I really couldn't tell that it improved it - simulates oak aging. I have used glycerine only once - in a port-like concoction my brother-in-law and I made but it is still in the carboy and we haven't sampled yet. A small amount of glycerine is something some winemakers add to their kits, normally the smaller kits that taste "thin" - the glycerine makes it taste "thicker".
If you are doing a kit and it is a smaller one you may want to try it so you can compare to others you have made. I wouldn't add it to a larger kit.
Never heard of it.
I wonder if the "smoother" portion might just be Biolees?
I have used both glycerin and Sanitin 17 but I have never used a set amount

if you were going to use glycerin and sanitin, I would suggest adding it in the following manner

1 - rack your wine to your primary, fill a wine glass with 4-6 oz (a ladle works well)
2 - fill up another wine glass, add a bit (1/2 oz) of glycerine and stir till blended, add to pail and stir well, draw off another small sample glass (don't mix up the glass that you use to stir in the glycerine)
3 - now taste your first sample and then the second, note the changes and hopefully improvement, you may notice a lengthening out of your wine flavour and a thickening in the wine body
4 - repeat the step 2 and then step 3, taste all three and see if you are noticing any improvement
5- you can repeat 2 and 3 again and again till you are satisfied with the results, don't overdue it, you can't remove once its added
Adding the oak, be careful with this stuff as it will really change the taste of your wine in a hurry. get a small syringe that can measure in milliliters
6 - add 1 ml of liquid oak to your pail and stir, draw off a sample and compare with your last glycerine sample, you should note a lengthening of your wine flavour, it will seem to last longer on the tongue
7- you can continue to add oak till you are happy with the results, I myself would not add more than 3-4 ml unless you really like your wines oaky, I can't imagine what adding 15 ml would do and I'm not about to find out

You might find it helpful to continue to refer back to your original sample as you go. The difference between the two will be quite surprising. Your wine will continue to age and change over time even after tweaking with the glycerine and oak.

Just remember to add slowly and taste. After 1 or 2 times of doing this you will better know what to expect.

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The store is Vino Fabbricanti. thanks evryone for the advice. My wine taste pretty good right now at 8 mos. I'll just go with that. This Smoother might be a good idea for a 28 day kit though.