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I feel compelled post on this topic.  Because even though shopping online is so convenient with usually good prices, I don't like it to be my  only method used.    Between this forum, google,YouTube, and sites like, a basement dweller like myself really does not even need to leave the house anymore.   But I think something is lost without some person to person interaction (in real life that is).

    Maybe I'm just one of the lucky ones. I live and work a short drive from a few different Home Brew & Winemaking shops.  And one in particular stands out from the rest.  The shop is ran by people both younger and older. Brew shops are never crazy busy so the guys working won't think twice about shooting the breeze for however long your there. (Have talked for over an hour more than couple times) Whether your brand new or a seasoned pro, the very knowledgeable staff will never 'talk down' (which I've experienced elsewhere) and genuinely want to help. The shop does classes of many things (even cheese and soap making) and they always have some beer or wine recently bottled available for tasting.

    The knowledge I gain from each visit is always beneficial, and is appreciated.  Whereas sometimes it's easy to get hung up on details from online, a simple conversation there can really break things down and eliminate unneeded concerns. That's why sometimes I'll swing by after work for things even though I could get online for slightly cheaper.  I enjoy my pit stops there, and make it a point to do so.  I feel good about giving them my business because of how good the shop and staff are.  I'm not in any 'cliques' or 'scenes' in the winemaking world aside from the forum, so my local shop has been a great shoulder to lean on just like I do here.

      So if your lucky enough to have a decent local shop (with product and staff) I say SUPPORT THEM. They have a lot to offer and I'd hate to see them close up shop from online competitors. 

    Btw the name of my shop is Philly HomeBrew Outlet East. Plus as a dog person it's great to see the shop dog Milo hanging around the store every time I'm there. 

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