Yes I have run Montmercy cherry.
we are post harvest so I will guess that you have four ten pound tins which are pitted and have sugar added, the fourty pound square pail is a commercial ingredient most folks don’t see, ,,, mine aren’t sugared.
1.080 will work, I normally run 1.090 mainly since this is the target for a ripe grape. What I have seen is that pie cherries are quite consistent so your numbers on non-sugared would be similar to mine. Before you go too far pop the lid to see what gravity (added sugar) you get in the juice surrounding the cherry. If you want to keep the solids high you should be able to find in the natural foods grocery section,, concentrated cherry juice.
,, Humm? I don’t own a four gallon carboy and ten pounds per gallon is high so I would probably plan a six or seven gallon primary.
A down the road observation is that I get astringent flavors at about 18 months in a 750ml bottle. ,, Anyone have a fix? ,, I am wondering about adding Scott FT blanc or trying to get less than a kilo of FT rouge berry ,,,,?