Temperature and Humidity Monitoring

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Feb 8, 2012
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I'm doing some research for a project I might start, but I have little experience with running a Wine Cellar myself. I know that maintaining a correct temperature can be important for the Wine Aging process and maintaining proper humidity is important to both prevent mold and to prevent the corks from drying out. I'm curious how well these are normally monitored or recorded. Is this something that should be monitored daily, or even hourly or better?

What I'm looking to do is build some electronic temperature and humidity loggers that can keep a running log of the data on a regular basis and even generate some kind of alert (audible/visible or even remotely send an Email/SMS) if the values go out of range. Is this something that would be valuable to Wine Making/Storage?
Your first post, Welcome, I went to Radio Shack and picked up a temperature/clock monitor with a few extra sencers. One is out side, one in the wine room, and one right next to my wine rack. I just look at the temp everyday that im in the room. If it gets to warm in there, I close the boiler room door, and so on.
Hi Penguin. I don't know if you're looking to just do this as a hobby, or as a lucrative invention, but there are some of these already out there (like this one). Hope I'm not being a wet blanket.
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I'm doing some research for a project I might start, but I have little experience with running a Wine Cellar myself. I know that maintaining a correct temperature can be important for the Wine Aging process and maintaining proper humidity is important to both prevent mold and to prevent the corks from drying out. I'm curious how well these are normally monitored or recorded. Is this something that should be monitored daily, or even hourly or better?

What I'm looking to do is build some electronic temperature and humidity loggers that can keep a running log of the data on a regular basis and even generate some kind of alert (audible/visible or even remotely send an Email/SMS) if the values go out of range. Is this something that would be valuable to Wine Making/Storage?

Similar temperature and humidity loggers have been available for many years. The ones I used to use had circular graph paper. It plotted temp and humidity with different colors. You could set it to do one full circle in a few days or up to several weeks.