That time of year

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Aug 23, 2014
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Well, had my wake up call this morning. I walked out of the house to let the dog out and go for his morning walk.

Smoke, Forrest fire smoke! There's a fire, probably 30-50 miles SE, not sure exactly.

Hooked up the hose and started filling the fire tank. I have a dedicated 2500 gallon tank I keep full until wet weather or snow shows up. Drained for winter. My house water supply is also a 2500 gallon cistern.

In the shop is a high pressure fire pump and 200 ft of hose. I hope it was a waste of money.

Edit: tank is full, pump and hoses checked. Still need to check the sprinkler system on the hill behind the house.
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A lightning hit 3 days ago.... 1&1/2 miles S of me. Watched 2 water scooper planes hit it all day. Main fire and 3 hot spots. Planes and helicopter quit a little earlier today. Maybe they got it. Seems like less smoke. Very steep hill, hand or plane if the D8 can't put in a break.