The dreaded green goo

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Senior Member
Jun 15, 2010
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central Nebraska
The elderberry is winding down. Had the goo ring on it, but now it is floating on top. Was thinking I read of a easy way of getting it off the wine on here, but can not remember how. Anybody have a answer? Arne.
The elderberry is winding down. Had the goo ring on it, but now it is floating on top. Was thinking I read of a easy way of getting it off the wine on here, but can not remember how. Anybody have a answer? Arne.

Clean your primary with cooking oil to disolve the goo then wash with soap to clean up the cooking oil. The oil will break down the goo, then the soap will break down the oil, but the soap will not break down the goo.

Just re-read the post. Thought you were talking about cleaning the goo. I agree with Dan's suggestion. The paper towels will act as a strainer.
Thought I had read something about the paper towels. Will try that and if it works, will repost here. If not will post with what I use. Woo Hoo, this makes 500 posts. Arne.

when you rack, the goo on top of the wine will adhere to the plastic, you might transfer a little when you rack but again when you rack that the goo will adhere to the container.

Like Doug said, get some cheap vegetable oil add some to a paper towel and you will be able to rub out the goo, do this before it dries. If it dries it is harder to get off.
Rack off the wine.leaving the goo. Then clean with veg oil like suggested. I then use oxyclean (chlorine free) to get rid of the veg oil. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 rackings to get rid of it all over time.
I have some top off wine. Brought it up in the neck so it almost touches the bung. Took a plastic spoon and adjusted it with a heat gun so it is bent at 90 degrees to the handle and the edges bent up so it will fit in the carboy. Made a small dipper. Tried with the wine down a couple of inches then topped it way up and the stuff dipped right out. Hope it makes cleaning the carboy easier later. Arne.
The green goo always sticks real well to my white plastic, long handled spoon too!!

Yep, Deb,
Acted like it was sticking to the plastic. Have a short handled spoon, tho. Have to watch next time I get to a ice cream store and see if I can get a malt spoon. Will make it easier to reach in with a long handle. Arne.

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