Backwoods, but not backwards...
My thread on the "Ancient Wine" book by Patrick McGovern was closed. This is a second thread of mine that has been recently closed. If we are unable to carry on adult discourse about various subject matter in the General Chit-Chat forum then why even have it? There was nothing disrespectful or injurious said by anyone in the thread. Is an unwavering desire for "political correctness" the overriding factor used by the moderating staff? It seems to me the moderators are actually the ones who are stepping out of the boundaries.
I doubt I will stick around much longer as the fog of PC is getting much too thick for me to safely navigate. So everyone stick to talking about egg nog and bad weather during this holiday season. Boredom reigns supreme.
Am I alone in this summation?
I doubt I will stick around much longer as the fog of PC is getting much too thick for me to safely navigate. So everyone stick to talking about egg nog and bad weather during this holiday season. Boredom reigns supreme.
Am I alone in this summation?
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