James, don't forget cows and apples! A cow does not have to eat a fermenting apple. If it eats any old apple, it will ferment in the cow's stomachs because that's what they are - fermentation chambers for cellulose.
Windfall apples off a tree in a pasture can make cows so drunk they refuse to stand up. They don't quit eating them, either, until they are blasted. Farmers with apple trees have to fence them out or rotate the cows quickly through that pasture.
We feed hummers, too, and every other kind of bird known to humankind that is in our range. I also have bluebird boxes, and I keep them religiously cleaned out after each clutch fledges. We house 6-10 broods of baby bluebirds a year out of each of those houses. Bluebirds won't lay in an old nest, but you clean it out, and tah-dah! New nest, new family.
We're so generous around my place that if we slip up and let the feeders go empty, when we step out the door we get told off by a bunch of chattering birds. Ha! Love it.
Look at this goofy goose that landed in our yard one time. Could not get enough room to take back off, so I went out and opened the gate and herded him out. He walked across the road, where there is a cornfield, and later took off.
We have tons of geese around in spring and fall because we have two ponds in back.