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Dec 9, 2009
Reaction score
Western New York
In my town near my house there is a large ongoing sewer project progressing. It's been interesting to see these huge pits being dug, the boring operations where they tunnel and shove huge pipes underground from pit to pit, the crews digging down 20 feet or so and laying sewer pipe down the middle of the steets. I guess the long term benefit for those downriver from us is your "skeeter pee" won't actually be really made with pee anymore.

This project is the largest construction project that the Town has initiated in over 30 years. Beginning in the Summer of 2010, and during the next 18 to 24 months, various construction activities will occur along sections of the roadways. This sanitary sewer replacement project is necessary due to the age and ongoing deterioration of the existing sewer system. In recent years, portions of the sewer line have collapsed and during heavy storms the sewer line can back up in localized areas. In addition, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) will be requiring the Town to eliminate overflows from the sanitary sewer to the storm sewers during periods of high flow. This project is the first step in complying with that environmental regulation.

Sewer pit   P1 11 11 10 007.jpg

Sewer pit P2  11 11 10 004.jpg

Sewer pit  P3  11 11 10 006.jpg
Very interesting Larry but,

This story is just "the pits"

That department is "full of crap"

Wonder what project is "in the pipeline" for them.

Anybody want to continue the bad puns or whatever you call them......
Very interesting Larry but,

This story is just "the pits"

That department is "full of crap"

Wonder what project is "in the pipeline" for them.

Anybody want to continue the bad puns or whatever you call them......

Naw, you're just digging yourself deeper and deeper.
This conversation is just getting deeper and deeper. John, don't be draggin' my name thru the mud here because it will take a "hole" lot of me climbing up and out of here.

Had my "fill" of this too.
This conversation is just getting deeper and deeper. John, don't be draggin' my name thru the mud here because it will take a "hole" lot of me climbing up and out of here.

Had my "fill" of this too.

I can "dig" where you are comming from. Sorry to "pick" on you.
Hole-y cow! This is still going on. As a new moderator I'm going to have to put my foot-er down and end this. I shale end this now. Sorry to be a stick in the mud.
:)what the crap I come on here to see serrious wine discussion and this is all thats talked about????