WineXpert To Rack or Not - Italian Barolo

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Senior Member
Jan 17, 2011
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Hello forum members. This is my first post but I have been lurking for some time so I am benefitting from your experience. My experience is limited to bottling a batch of WE Cabernet Sauvignon-Merlot blend a few months ago. It initially tasted just like a Boujelais Noveau but is improving nicely. I now understand all the talk about how important it is to be patient and not drink too much before it has sufficiently aged!

I now have a WE Selection Estate Italian Barolo in the last of its 28 day clarification. I haven't yet checked its clarity, but the instructions say if it is clear then it is ready to bottle. Rather than bottle it now, however, I would like to age it in the carboy for at least 6-12 months before I bottle it. I think that by so doing I can keep the temperature more constant and protect it better from light & vibration.

Here's my question. Should I rack it into a new carboy for it to begin the aging? And if so, should I add more Pot Meta at that time? (I have already added additional Pot Meta before it began this last 28 day clarification.) It would be easier to just leave it where it is so that would be my preference unless there's some better reason why it needs that final racking. Also, if I rack it again now and age it for 6-12 months should I periodically add more Pot Meta during that time?

Next up: WE SE Washington Columbia Valley Riesling
Here's my question. Should I rack it into a new carboy for it to begin the aging? And if so, should I add more Pot Meta at that time? (I have already added additional Pot Meta before it began this last 28 day clarification.) It would be easier to just leave it where it is so that would be my preference unless there's some better reason why it needs that final racking. Also, if I rack it again now and age it for 6-12 months should I periodically add more Pot Meta during that time?

Next up: WE SE Washington Columbia Valley Riesling

NoSnob Welcome to the forum. I have made the Washington Columbia Valley Riesling several times. Its an excellent wine. As to your question on racking, if the wine is clear and only has a bit of sediment in it I would leave it alone for an additional 60 days and then rack and add 1/4 tsp of kmeta. If you have a fair amount of sediment rack it at your 28-30 mark and don't add any k-meta. You want to add about 1/4 tsp per 5-6 gallons every 90 days as a guideline.
Thanks Dan. It seems to have very little sediment. I'll check for clarity in the next few days. If clear, sounds like I can just age it as is for a while. I know that a good Italian Barolo needs considerable aging so I don't expect to drink any for some time... but maybe a taste.. or two!
Let us know how it turns out please. I've made two of these kits so far. I was very impressed with the first sample after just 3 months so I started a second batch. Then I tried it again at 6 months and was not as impressed... hopefully it's just the ugly teenager stage. Definitely a chewy, full-bodied wine. The taste seemed a bit on the tarry side this last time to me, but as I say it's still very young.
Thanks Dan. It seems to have very little sediment. I'll check for clarity in the next few days. If clear, sounds like I can just age it as is for a while. I know that a good Italian Barolo needs considerable aging so I don't expect to drink any for some time... but maybe a taste.. or two!

I agree with Dan.

If you can't help yourself and you gotta try it, pick up some of the smaller 375 ml wine bottles and bottle 6 or 8 of them. That way you periodically can sample, but not waste a whole 750ml bottle.

Welcome to the forum.
Robie- great idea. I knew you guys would come up with good stuff. Glad to be onboard.