toddlers in tiaras

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Feb 9, 2010
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My wife was watching this show last night.

Is it just me, or is this show highly offensive???

I looked like the parents (starving for attention themselves) are not above dressing their little kids (5 or 6 years old) like trollips and having then parade around in front of a bunch of strangers.

What I really find offensive is the message to the kids... that looks are everything...

It seems that all that is on tv anymore is reality crap and it all sends a bad message IMO. What happened to the good wholesome tv of thelate 80s-early 90s? It all got cancled for reality tv.
I agree with the both of you, it is a shame. All it is, is mothers trying to live their dreams thru the babies. We see it at the school district with the chearleaders, Mom's just pushing their daughters, I really so hate this kind of crap. Actually you have no idea how much I hate women who act like this, as if all they have is their bodies, granted some women are pretty dumb but so are some men.
I had no idea what you guys are talking about so I had to goggle it. Good lord it brought up about 30 images on the search page including one with imitating Madonna with the funnel shaped breasts. Yep, I agree with all of you, these mothers are doing their children a real disservice.

On the other hand I don't like the other extreme where parents allow kids to wear pajama looking clothes and pants that hang down so low showing their butt. The only difference is these kids are expressing themselves rather than the parents dressing the kids the way they want them to be perceived.
I had no idea what you guys are talking about so I had to goggle it. Good lord it brought up about 30 images on the search page including one with imitating Madonna with the funnel shaped breasts. Yep, I agree with all of you, these mothers are doing their children a real disservice.

On the other hand I don't like the other extreme where parents allow kids to wear pajama looking clothes and pants that hang down so low showing their butt. The only difference is these kids are expressing themselves rather than the parents dressing the kids the way they want them to be perceived.

Yea, that is the other thing but you have no idea how some of these kids dress to come to school, girls with tops so low they cover pretty much nothing, skirts so high they better not bend over and boys with thier pants down around their knees. You wonder where the parents are at when they leave in the morning for school
Yea, that is the other thing but you have no idea how some of these kids dress to come to school, girls with tops so low they cover pretty much nothing, skirts so high they better not bend over and boys with their pants down around their knees.

Seriously Julie it just makes me wish I was a teenager again. Smart phones, video games, HDTV and scantly dressed girls!!! I can remember when they passed the policy in public schools girls no longer had to wear dresses.
There is a lot of crap on TV and I watch my fair share of it. Mostly mind numbing junk. Toddlers in Tiaras, I find no redeeming value in the show or the junior pagents if the show is a fair representation. I'll stick with the food network.
I have a 14 yr old daughter, therefore I make wine and drink it and make more wine and drink that. Something has to get me through these next few years.
You wonder where the parents are at when they leave in the morning for school

Kind of OT but on my way to work the other morning it was a cool 28 degrees and I saw a kid waiting for the bus in basketball shorts. It's below freezing! And my kid complained all the time about how cold is in the school. Where ARE the parents?
Let the little girls be little girls. They grow up so quickly anyway.
Kind of OT but on my way to work the other morning it was a cool 28 degrees and I saw a kid waiting for the bus in basketball shorts. It's below freezing! And my kid complained all the time about how cold is in the school. Where ARE the parents?

You have no idea how some of these kids dress in the winter. And while a lot of people want to complain about how much a teacher makes, they do not make enough for what they do. I am not a teacher, I am the purchasing manager and a lot of teachers do not like me because of my decisions on what they can and can not buy but I will defend any teacher. Our teachers put in their own money to buy a handful of coats for kids who come to school in 8 degree weather with no coat on. Kids who get off the bus without a coat, get a coat put on them to get into the buildings and to use for recess and to go get onto the bus after school, also these kids without coats are put in the front of the bus where it is warmer. And this is only part of what a lot of teachers do with this children who have parents who just do not care.

So far this week on the news this week I have had to listen about a 11 year old boy who was beat for 9 hours and died from those beatings and a 3 month old girl who was raped, both cases from the mother's boyfriend. What the hell is the world coming to.
At the market this afternoon the lady that sells next to me had brought her spinning wheel. Now lots of folks who come to the market are after good wholesome food and lifestyles. It did my heart good to have her sitting next to me, spinning away wool into yarn. Two girls from different cultures saw her and sat there captivated by the whole process, neither one caring about the ethnicity of the other little girl. Question after question flowed while they sat there captivated. This is the way girls should be, curious and respectful while at the same time, not trying to compete for attention by the way they look or dress.
The pitfall of being older is that, as you age and have a family and work, you become less social.

For a lot of folks, the evening news is the only access to the modern society.

What keeps my faith going is the following thought..

For every nutjob the news reports about, there are 100,000 normal people. I see good everwhere. Strangers helping strangers. charity workers with truly good intentions. Its all around us if you look hard enough.

Another pitfall is that, in America, things seem to be set up to protect the rights of the nutcases, and not of the other 100,000. This is a pain that we need to live with in order to live in a free society and the best country on the face of the planet.

Still, When I hear about a raping of a 3 month old, My thinking is that the rapist should loose his P*nus rights.