I am creative by nature so this hobby in its varied facets of picking out a fruit, fermenting, label design and finishing to my personal tastes is one that appeals to me. There is always something else to learn and a new wine you have never tried to make. The possibilities are endless. It has been an evolution process for me. Starting with my first wine which was a Walmart wine kit ( nasty ) to Welches concentrates, fresh fruit and kits. My palate has changed and is much more diverse. I use to drink sweet box wines and Boone's Farm and now appreciate a good Cabernet. I've traveled to winery's all over the country. I've tasted some very good wines and then some I have wondered how they have the nerve to charge $15 for. I now realize it is possible to make as good a wine as you can buy on the shelf. I love sharing my creations with friends and family. They look forward to the next wine in production. Each has its own story to be told.