TURBO TAX Old Versions???

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Does anybody have any old versions of Turbo Tax???
I need to print out some old returns and I need to reload it to do that.

Let me start out by saying that no current version of Turbo Tax will open a saved return of anolder version. ERGO....

Specificly, 95, 96, 97 &98 but I don't have any of my other years (93,94, 99) either.

Copying this program would be illegal and I'd highlyrecomend that you keep your disks but, I'd be happy tobuy a"new CD-Rdisk" from you (so to speak) if youhappen to haveany of these years.
I don't go back that far, sorry. I have the past couple three years on my computer and a few other years beyond that. After 7 years I trash everything. I remember I went through this a few years ago and found I never printed 2002..... That was the year that Turbo tax changed their format and what you paid for was a one time use program. Once you unloaded the program, you could never re install it. I called their technical support people, who really are of no use after the current year.............

I do like the newer versions and save everything to PDF as well as disc, SD card and printed in both formats.

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