Here's my "kit-bashing" plan for the Fontana Chardonnay kit which I received on Saturday. Thanks go to you [USER=7967]@joeswine[/USER] for starting this great resource on "tweeking" kits and also [USER=35981]@Ron0126[/USER] for answering my questions.
1. Stir bentonite package in 2 cups hot water until completely dissolved
2. Add in concentrated juice from kit and rinse out bag into fermenter
3. Add in 1 cup of medium toast French oak
4. Slowly add water, stirring till S.G. is 1.090-1.095 (12-12.5% potential alcohol), probably up to 5.5 gallons
5. Add in peach Fpack (12 ounces of peaches sautéed in 1 cup of base wine)
6. Add in zest of 1/2 of a grapefruit
7. Sprinkle included EC-1118 yeast atop mixture
8. Degas mixture twice per day
9. Rack to secondary after primary fermentation is complete
10. Check taste, add more zest of grapefruit if necessary
11. Add 1/2 Tablespoon of wine tannins
12. Follow kit instructions for remainder except likely to bulk-age for 3 months or more
Please provide any feedback, especially if you see me headed for a train wreck.