That's amazing, I have always been interested in these topics, though I was never a star trek fan, I look at those ufos a bit differently.
If they are coming here to check us out ( if they exist ) that is cool with me, under a few of the following conditions of course.....
A) please please let their first human contact and interaction not be with a gov offical, I would rather a back woods moonshine brewing ( normal ) person speak to them instead of some figure in control of the world trying to minipulate their offerings for their gain.
B) just let them come in peace and to help us out, cause we don't know, just because they are smart enough to travel light years and go from planet to planet, doesn't mean they wouldn't come here just to take all our air, water or heck even eat us all or use us as incubators for their off spring.
Hey , I may think to much, but come on now, we believe we are the smarter of the species in the world/universe and look at us, digging into bee hives and taking their honey, growing human ears on the back of mice for science and cornering the market on the oil market which is the common denominator of our entire existance.
Maybe they just ran out of smokes and beer......