I do not own an Enolmatic, general notes;
* wine with gas has a tendency to foam, when filling bottles with vacuum it helps to degas before starting any filling operation. ,,, (note good enough below)
* I have vacuum and will pull on a carboy with a check valve in the stopper. Early vacuum foams a lot and occasionally it sucks into the liquid trap. I try to pulse the vacuum to stay low like 2 inches Hg. Generally if I fiddle with the carboy 30 minutes I can safely pull 15 or 20 inches Hg without watching the carboy.
* time/ mixing/ buffering in solution/,, is a function. If I have degassed enough to safely let it pull then do a work project for a few hours, foam will again happen.
* pulling a constant vacuum wastes energy, pulsing every few minutes is energy efficient
* a working definition of ”good enough” is will the headspace hold a five inch Hg vacuum for thirty minutes? it won’t affect taste or vacuum corking.
* if you don’t have a vacuum gauge you are operating blind, I can find a vacuum gague for less than $10.