VH Blackberry

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Senior Member
Aug 13, 2009
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My 3g VH blackberry finally got far enough along for a fair taste test. IMO, even at 3g, the VH base makes a wine that is too thin.

Too thin to stand on it's own, so I'll likely blend it with something really heavy so I don't have to dump $34+ down the drain.

sigh ...
I havent made the Blackberry but I can tell you that the Black Currant isnt thin!!! Some of them are very thin though and can you imagine making this to the 5 gallon recipe!
Started 3 gallons of blueberry with Vintage Harvest about a monthe ago.

Never again. Very thin in the can even with no berries. Added 5 pounds of frozen berries for flavor.

Ripped off.

I think the old saying applies: Screw me once shame on you, Screw me twice shame on me.

Started 5 gallons of Black current with 2 cans and that looks thin also, Haven't tasted it though.
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huh thats disappointing to hear. I have 2 cans of the blackberry i was gona use for a 6 gal batch. maybe ill just use it for a 4 or 5 Gal? If you would've done your 3 gal batch as a 2 would it have been ok?
You can get frozen blue berries at Sams reasonable if needed.

Maybe you can take it back where you bought it.

Let em know how it turns out.
The frozen Blueberries from Sams club makes a great wine!!! I have used them on 2 batches of Blueberry Port and 1 batch of Blueberry wine. Both with great results.
huh thats disappointing to hear. I have 2 cans of the blackberry i was gona use for a 6 gal batch. maybe ill just use it for a 4 or 5 Gal? If you would've done your 3 gal batch as a 2 would it have been ok?

Hard to say. I did this as an experiment to comapre results against picking/fermenting fresh berries.

This might've been good with 8# or so of fresh/frozen berries added. It's hard to say for sure. The only thing I can say for certain is that it is NOT a good alternative to using berries.

I have some 65brix concentrate in the freezer that I may try using to backsweeten this and maybe salvage it. It's either that or blend with something *really* heavy.

If I decide against the concentrate, it will end up on the shelf in one gallon jugs next to the banana.

If I were you, I would try to return the cans and spend the ~$70 on frozen blackberries. @$3/# at Wally world, $70 plus a bit will get you enough berries for a 5/6 gallon batch @4#/gallon.
I do have a couple pounds of berries i picked in the freezer now. Can't return as one can came shipped from midwest. so ill just use what i have and make a five gallon batch and then use my frozen ones for an f-pac, or i could just add them to the mix from the get go. Im thinking saving them for an f-pac would be my best option
I do have a couple pounds of berries i picked in the freezer now. Can't return as one can came shipped from midwest. so ill just use what i have and make a five gallon batch and then use my frozen ones for an f-pac, or i could just add them to the mix from the get go. Im thinking saving them for an f-pac would be my best option

I would pick up 3 or 4 pounds of frozen at the market and include them in the ferment. Having berries in the ferment would help a lot, IMO.

Mine had about a pound of berries in the can. More would be better!

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