Vinegar from spoiled wine?

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Nov 7, 2019
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I bottled some wine a few months ago which seemed fine at the time, but now all bottles have heavy nail polish remover aromas (ethyl acetate I presume). I'm thinking that I can make it into red wine vinegar. Will a resultant vinegar have that nail polish smell still?

AFAICT the way to do it would be to dump the wine into a carboy along with some apple cider vinegar and cover the top with a cheese cloth. Anything else I should know/do?
AFAICT the way to do it would be to dump the wine into a carboy along with some apple cider vinegar and cover the top with a cheese cloth. Anything else I should know/do?
To increase your chances of successfully making vinegar from wine you need to take care of the sulfites. One way is to add 1/2tsp hydrogen peroxide per gallon. Another way, the one I use, is to vigorously stir the crap out of it for a couple minutes. Yes, adding raw apple cider vinegar will jump start the process. Also yes, the process needs air so cheesecloth or something similar will work. It may take a couple months. If you're lucky a mother will form that can be used in future vinegar making batches.

As far as the ethyl acetate is concerned, good luck.
Yes, you will have to neutralize the sulfites with H2O2 and you should use an apple cider vinegar with mother (Bragg's is one brand)

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