The last Vinters Harvest I used was an “apricot Puree“. To be correctly labeled this means it contained apricot which was run through a blender and possibly processing aids (ascorbic acid or SO2 or acidification).
The numbers I have on it are pH 3.87 and an “as is“ TA of 1.99% (ie containing pulp). The label declares pH 2.8 to 3.4 and gravity 1.036 to 1.048. Net weight of 1.39Kg. ,,,, Therefore from the numbers I assumed it actually was fruit without any added water and could be used like any other country wine, ,,,, a typical recipe with a finished TA of 0.6% could yield 4.6 Kg or a TA of 0.7% could yield 3.94 Kg ,,, ie roughly a four liter bottle based on acid content.
I actually used it as a flavoring in four gallons of white grape to build up solids/flavor