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Those PUTERS, you do not know how much you need them until they brake down!
That's not the way I heard it. But that's for the humor section
Back on line all. My father had a small stroke + I had some puter issues from uninstalling some virus software which took some drivers with it somehow and left the puter in shambles. With everything going on I just didnt have the will or mindset to even think about getting frustrated and trying to figure this nightmare out. It took my ports and touch pad with it which really made it difficult to do anything. My dad is doing better and is stable now and so far we cant see any issues due to the mini stroke but his health hasnt been very good in awhile due to severe stomach problems and a few other issues. Basically I just got back online about 1 hour ago and to be honest Im not even sure what it was that fixed it as during fixing the problem I created other issues which are all good now but I have a freakin headache!!!!!!
Glad to hear that things are going back to normal, or at least improving.
Yeah -- Wade from what you describe, it sounds to me like you have the classic example of SNAFU!!!

(if you know what I mean...
Don't let those stomach problems go untreated. I spent Friday night and Saturday afternoon at the visitation/funeral of a friend who had stomach problems for the last couple of months. He just tried to fight through it without seeing a doctor. Last Monday he perforated an ulcer and died Wednesday night.

The whole thing could have been avoided if he had just gone to the doctor.
That is exactly what he had a few years back and as soon as he could get out of there he did and should be doing stuff for it but wont!!! He is as stubborn as they come. It all stemmed from him having an eye problem many years ago an has been popping pain pills from a eye problem for years and years now which ate his stomach pretty bad!!!
Well, tell him it cost a friend of a friend of yours his life in two months. Fred perforated and when they opened him up they drained over a gallon of stomach acid out of his gut cavity. The damage was too great and he died about 36 hours later.

I'm very upset that I lost a friend because he was too stubborn to go to the doctor.
Same subject, "not going to the Dr when you don't feel right can indeed kill you".

I lost my closest friend/coworker of 30 years to of all things a massive stroke at the age of 59. The underlying diagnosis was Atrial fibrillation or A-Fib. They are now running commercials on TV for this (drug co's). Anyway the heart is not beating properly, blood pools in the chamber, clots and then one day you get up out of bed and wham.

He was the picture of health. 6'3"and skinny as a rail. In good shape, didn't smoke or drink. He just didn't feel quite right and didn't say much or go to the Dr. in time. One day I was sitting in a meeting with him and the next day he was in the ER clinging to life and basically (brain) dead. One of the saddest things I have ever experienced in life.

Listen to "your" body, don't ignore things.
There is a big billboard campaign here in Missoula with things like "My husband left two children fatherless, when he died... of procrastination." All designed for specifically those types of issues -- not where something is unknown, but where it is known, but the person chooses to put off going to the doc.